Ice Cream Cart

Seasonal & Southern Flavours

Soft Serve is Here

Fortuna's Row is proud to share that our Ice Cream Kiosk is serving every, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from open until 9pm for guests or just those passing by. Our flavours rotate weekly and may be different than those listed below.


Classic rich chocolate flavours with nutty understones.


Smooth, delicious, classic vanilla made in-house.


Fresh, almond, cinnamon, and hints of vanilla.


Fresh and delicious pink strawberry fruit flavour.

Coming Soon

New flavours on the way...

Coming Soon

New flavours on the way...

Coming Soon

New flavours on the way...

Coming Soon

New flavours on the way...

Our To-Go Kiosk

An airstream-style sanctuary that adds a touch of whimsy to the patio experience. Treat yourself to the velvety soft serve delights that rotate regularly. We're open three days each week provided the sun is shining.

Pastry Chef Teisha Huff has whipped up a delectable selection of pastries and baked goods to complement your frozen treats. From the signature "Ugly Cornbread" to our ever-popular Dona and Concha options, there's plenty of items to choose between.

To access the cart, enter from Riverfront Avenue along the boardwalk. The kiosk is tucked just behind our parking lot, north of the building.

Frequently Asked Questions